Matt turned thirty two today. He may think he is twenty seven but he is thirty two and now everyone knows it. I hope Matt had a good day. Our nieces Liel and Adina and nephews Eitan and No'am are visiting from Israel along with their parents Danny and Tanya. Our house is filled with noise, noise, noise and chocolate (I think there may be a direct correlation between the two).
The girls are having a wonderful time with their cousins and I think Lior has a crush on No'am who is four and the size of a small giant! Every time he comes near her she laughs and flirts with him. You can hear the love in her voice. Sydney loves the rough housing and being out of baby jail. She is in for a rude awakening when everyone leaves because she is going back in!
Today Sydney and No'am were playing quietly together and all of the sudden we hear Sydney crying hysterically and running towards my mom and No'am talking with Danny. Apparently No'am was tired of Sydney hitting him and he moved her out of the way and she was insulted. Did I mention that No'am was a giant? A nice gentle giant but a giant none the less. Sydney is one tough cookie and does not let anyone mess with her, especially when she wants to get her own way and she always wants her own way.
Watching all the kids have such a good time is nice to see and a nice birthday present for Matt who also had the chance to beat up on the Israeli kids. After being inspired by all of my favorite Food Network shows I decided to bake and decorate Matt's cake for him. I found a great site and let Matt pick out the cake I was going to make. I bought a huge cake decorating kit and went to town. The cake turned out better than I had ever envisioned especially because I was not able to trace the pattern onto the cake and drew it freehand. I can not draw but it turned out well. I think Matt enjoyed his big day. I know he loved it when Sydney sang Happy Birthday for him and went to sleep without a fight. Now if only Lior would go to sleep without help....
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