I am not sure what to write about today.
I could write about our wonderful 4th of July. The girls had a fantastic time playing with their friends Reece and Will. The fireworks were horrifying at first but they warmed up to them. They tried to climb Joy, who is about ready to have a baby any minute. Normally this would be fine but she was carrying Reece who was also unhappy with all the noise. They girls settled down and really enjoyed the fireworks, screaming "woah" and "wow" when they saw the explosions in the sky.
I could also write about Sydney's rotten no good very bad morning. She was an unhappy little girl this morning. When I asked Lior if Sydney's tummy hurt she said "no". "Do you know what is making Sydney so sad?" "I don Know", she said as she shrugged her shoulders. She then opened her mouth and pointed inside and I asked if Sydney's teeth hurt and Lior said "yes". So maybe Sydney's is cutting her two year molars. Thank goodness I can have one of the girls interpret the others mood.
I could write about how the girls woke up from their very long nap in a great mood and very affectionate. By the time I got upstairs Sydney was out of her crib and handing Lior books. When I came in she asked me to put her into the crib and they sat and read books while I snapped some pictures.
I could write about the laugh fest on the stairs as they kissed each other every chance they could. Or how they ran screaming "baby" into my room because they could not wait to find Jordan and cover her with kisses.
Lately I have been unable to make a decision, so I guess I will just write about everything.
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