It is hard to believe that the twins are almost two. They will be two in one week. Where has the time gone? I remember getting ready for their first birthday party like it was yesterday. They have grown so much in the last year. Most of all in the last year they have grown into two uniquely different children who have their own personalities.
Now that she is going to be two she is still fantastic at both fine and gross motor skills but her expressive language skills are what she is excelling at right now. She went from single words to short phrases very quickly and now she is speaking in short sentences on a regular basis.
She follows directions and is extremely observant. She notices things that at times shock me. One morning several months ago Matt and I were each wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt and she walked over to each of us saying "same, same". She knows her colors and loves pointing out yellow cars, "Yook mommy, yellow car, yellow car". Lior loves to give kisses and hugs to both of her sisters and lets Sydney get away with a lot. She spends a lot of time laughing at our resident ham, Sydney, and gets hours of enjoyment flirting with the boys.
Sydney, was my easy button when she was a baby.
She was always SCREAMING! And when I say screaming, she screamed. She screamed when she was happy, she screamed when she wanted more and she screamed for the sake of screaming. Sydney screamed! When she was not screaming she was singing and just talking away. When I taught the girls some simple sign language Sydney stopped screaming (as much) and started signing for the things that she wanted and she continued to just talk away.
The day Matt taught her how to walk is etched on my mind because that is the day our lives really changed. The baby who was always content sitting discovered mobility and never went back. She is in a constant state of motion all the time.
Sydney has an amazing sense of humor and spends the better part of her day trying to make Lior and Jordan laugh. Sydney is fantastic at following directions and loves to help us around the house, especially if Lior was asked to do it first. When we give Sydney cookies and we ask her to hand one to Lior she gives the cookie to Lior first and then comes back for her own. She takes it very personally when Lior does not take what she has offered. Sydney is an extremely kind child and very aware of other children, especially if they take a toy from one of her sisters or approach one of them. Then our kind hearted Sydney turns into our tough baby and does not let them get away with it. Sydney has been caught pushing kids twice her size because they are in her way or Liors and she holds a grudge. Sydney remembers from week to week which kid at the gym or at mommy and me took the ball from her or touched Jordan and does not let them get close enough to do it again.
It is hard to believe that our tiny little babies are going to be two in one week. One week! The strides that they have made are unbelievable. As much as they have changed, some things stay the same. They still love a good cuddle with each other.
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