Monkey toes
With all the company here it is hard to focus on my children but I have noticed that Jordan is taking off. At the moment she is working on cutting another tooth. This should help her eat the bagels, pasta, tomatoes, chicken nuggets and pretzels she has been stealing off our plates.She has been threatening to pull herself up to standing for the last few weeks and Tuesday night she did it. She was so proud of herself. The smile was a mile wide. The best part was that Matt was sitting right there when she did it and had the chance to see one of her "firsts".
Because Jordan is in such a hurry to catch up she let go almost immediately and tried to stand unattended. It is a good thing that Matt has quick reflexes and caught her on the way down.
Today on the beach she pulled herself up on a beach chair and tried to pull herself up onto the chair. I guess she wanted to sit in the chair like the big kids!On Wednesday I caught her climbing on the girls pink chairs. She pulled herself onto the chair and was sitting in it like one of the big girls. Now she is trying to climb over one chair and into the other. Today I found her standing on the chair pounding on the window, funny I don't remember putting her on the chair! I suppose she will learn that the ground is hard if she lands on it enough times.She climbed two steps Wednesday night on her way up to bed. I stopped her before she could climb anymore because once again I am not ready for my baby to be a big girl. I think that no mater what I do Jordan will be walking before I know it.
Sydney has fallen in love with Noam. I found her laying on his lap while they were watching television this afternoon. He did not even care that she had taken off her diaper. His hand was on her bare bottom while I snapped a few pictures and I think he was checking out her scar. He was kind enough to tell her to put the diaper back on and she did it. This new found love has not stopped her from hitting and pushing him when she wants to exert her will over him and he is kind and lets her get away with it but I don't think he likes it. I know Matt is not thrilled that his little girls are falling head over heals for the boys in their lives and stripping off all their clothes. Are we in for some trouble when the girls hit the teenage years? I am not looking forward to raging hormones!
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