Saturday, July 14, 2007

Snow in July

Matt has been wanting to go to the zoo to see the white alligator, so we packed up the kids and took them to the zoo. It was a VERY hot day and I think the kids were drenched before we even got out of the car. Much to our surprise they had snow for the kids to play in. Well the snow was not really snow, more like dirty ice but to Floridians it was as close to snow as we are going to get. Sydney HATED the snow and wanted nothing to do with it but Lior was intrigued by it and climbed the snow mountain. Matt hated how dirty the snow was so we did not play with it for long.

The alligator was fantastic, the beast is pure white! They built it its own little shaded habitat because of its lack of pigment. I was amazed by how white it was. It did not look real!

The girls had a wonderful time, of course. They growled appropriately at the tigers, the bears, the jaguars, the panther, barked at the prairie dogs and the river otters, and hopped for the kangaroos. They said thank you to anyone who would listen and said hi to all the animals when we approached a new habitat "Hi animals!". They held hands and walked a nice safe distance ahead of us and stopped when we asked them to. They enjoyed "ice fishing" and won prizes and even had the opportunity to create some beautiful sand art (which is now laying in the back of the car).

It was really the first time Jordan was able to really participate and enjoy with the big girls. She crawled around the fountain and had fun splashing and laughing with her sisters. We are so lucky to live in such a wonderful place- it even snows in July!

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