I finally finished Harry Potter. Matt is thrilled because now he gets to read it, if only Sydney would go to sleep.
Now that I am done with the book I can sit down and write about vacation. It was wonderful! We had such a nice and relaxing time. It rained everyday but we managed to get the kids to the pool and the beach everyday.
We arrived on Friday and went straight to the pool. The kids adored it. We, of course, made them practice their swimming and they did not disappoint, they are great swimmers!
We headed to the beach on Saturday and were not sure we were going to stay the ocean was rough and there was a lot of wind but the kids had fun anyway.
They ignored Matt while he played in the sand.
The girls sat in the water and enjoyed the view.
And this was only the first day!
The girls enjoyed a walk on the dock with daddy while I enjoyed five minutes with Jordan in the restaurant.
It was a great time and the girls really enjoyed spending time with Grandma and Grandpa. We can not wait to do it again with Uncle Eric at the end of August.
I can only imagine how much bigger Jordan will be then!
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