Monday, July 16, 2007

Bedtime blues

Since Sydney has learned how to climb out of her crib sleep has been a huge issue. Most days nap time is a complete bust. She sits in her room and read books or plays with stuffed animals but does not sleep. Thankfully she lets Lior sleep because I can not have two very cranky children.
Last night we put the toddler rails up on their cribs because we were afraid that Sydney was going to hurt climbing out of the crib. We put a gate up in front of their door to keep them in their room because Sydney can open the door. Bedtime is MUCH harder now that they can both get in and out of the bed. You can not imagine the laughter tonight when they discovered that Matt left too much room on the bottom and they could crawl underneath the gate, but I am getting ahead of myself.
With the rain we have had to change our bedtime routine and we think that this must be part of the bedtime problem. Tonight Matt and I decided to get back into our old routine of taking the girls out for a wagon pull to wind down and then he reads books upstairs. Matt started at 7:45 and left at 9:00 to go back to work, the girls were still awake but quietly laying in their beds.
I should say that Matt did have to go upstairs several times with his "mean daddy" voice to tell them to get back in their beds. We thought all was safe when Matt left to go back to work, until somebody with way too much money and time on their hands set off some fire crackers and Sydney completely lost it. I feared that all of Matt's hard work was lost when I asked Sydney if she wanted to sleep in Lior's bed, with Lior. Lior quickly said "Sydney bed, Sydney bed" and grabbed her dog but allowed Sydney to lay down next to her. I covered Sydney with her blanket and Lior with hers and left the room.
It never ceases to amaze me how close the relationship is between Sydney and Lior, they are truly best friends. They can spend the day at each others throats yet when one of them needs a cuddle or a shoulder to lean on they are there for each others. They are the lucky ones.

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