Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A mommy vent

When you are the parent of a multiple, people stop you all the time to tell you what you are doing wrong, to tell you to stop having children, to tell you to dress them in pink, or that they should be wearing socks because they are cold (hello, we live in Florida!). I am constantly being asked questions like: Are those twins?, Which one is the boy?, Are you sure that one is not a boy?, Are they triplets?, Are they twins?... Are they related?
A few weeks ago I was in Publix with the kids and Lior bit her lip while she was eating her chocolate chip cookie. The poor baby was bleeding and crying when some woman walked up and decided to try and stop Lior from crying. Not what we needed at the moment but we dealt with it. Then all of the sudden she saw Jordan and started yelling "look at me, no look at me" while waving her arms "all done, you are all done!" My kid is a wreck because she got hurt and I need to stop everything I am doing to look at you so you can tell me I should not have any more children! I told her she needed to talk to my husband because he wanted another set of twins.
The latest comment has really been bothering. I was out with my mom yesterday, when someone asked her about the twins. When she saw Jordan she asked if it was another girl, my mom said yes and the woman replied "it's a shame, after all that hard work, another girl". My mom did not hear her or was not listening to her but I heard her and bit my tongue. I try not to point out peoples short comings in front of the girls because I just don't want to fight with people in front of them. Had I been able to respond civilly I would have told her that for all of my hard work I got three wonderful daughters and not for one minute did I want it any other way.
What was she thinking? Are girls not as good as boys? I never wanted to know the sex of the babies because it just did not matter if they were girls or boys. We just wanted happy and healthy children and we got them.


Anonymous said...

Too bad people don't have sense enough to mind their own d--- business. Three beautiful little girls sounds like heaven to me. (A boy would be nice too)!

Anonymous said...

By the way Deb, you dont have to have multiple children for third parties to say stupid things.
My list is long with people who dont know me or my children telling me what we're doing wrong.

It doesn't get any different when they get older.
You should have asked that lady with the ridiculous comment about working so hard if her parents felt the same way about her!
When I get to Florida next week I'll tell you what else you're doing wrong