Jordan will be eight months old in two days. Where has the time gone? It feels like just yesterday she was this six pound little creature who could not hold up her own head. Now she is a strong willed, mobile creature who knows what she wants and when she wants it.
Today she was laying in bed with me and pulled herself up to standing! There is no stopping her now. She crawls like a little speedster chasing after the big girls so she can play next to them and with their toys. Yesterday she decided to park herself in the middle of the AquaDoodle mat because that is where Sydney was playing. It was so cute to see her stop drawing to give Jordan one of her coveted markers.
Lior likes to hold Jordan and kiss her as much as possible. It is spectacular to sit there and listen to Jordan laugh and see her smile at her big sisters. The way that the girls have taken to "their" baby is a constant source of amazement.
Meal time has become an adventure with her. Not only does she have 2 cute little teeth in her mouth but she has decided that she is going to use them to eat. She has not been enjoying her baby food at all. She wants to eat what the big girls are eating and she does not want any help getting that food into her mouth. Lately her diet has consisted of animal crackers, whole wheat bagels and assorted other carbohydrates. We are going to try some steamed veggies and canned fruit tonight to add some variety.
I can not wait to see what the next eight months have in store for us. I am sure it will include tons of things I am not ready for like walking, climbing, efficient self feeding, and talking.
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