I think it was January when I wrote about cleaning out the house and getting organized before the baby arrived. Well surprise, surprise not much has been accomplished. Matt and I spent one afternoon cleaning out the garage but we barely made a dent and I am sure we have piled more stuff out there. We did switch the girls into their big girl beds and redecorate their room. We gave our guest bedroom furniture to my parents and put a twin bed in the room (sorry Dan and Tanya!) with a trundle along with a crib. I did go through all of the baby clothes and get rid of clothes that were in poor condition, stained or I did not think I would put another child in. Unfortunately, Jordan has gone through another growth spurt and I will have to put away clothes that do not fit and pull out the next size. I also have to go through the big girls clothes because some of their shirts are now way to small. It never ends!
I never cleaned out my closet, Matt's closet, or the closet in the living room. I also wanted to clean out our pantry, get rid of the furniture in the dining room and some other random pieces of furniture. I think I mentioned throwing one item away every day during the month of February, never happened. I need to organize some of the drawers in the kitchen and stream line some of our dishes. I wonder if anything will get done and the list keeps getting longer.
Matt and I had some plans to organize some things upstairs today so Lior could nap in a bedroom. We wanted to install a potty seat upstairs and clean out the closet in Jordan's room as well. Do you want to know what got done? Nothing, not even a light bulb got changed. Matt had to go to work so the girls and I hung out and baked cookies today. I never even got out of my pajamas, that NEVER happens. Lior spent the day in underwear and the only reason why Sydney got dressed was because she marched into our bedroom and put on her polka dot dress. We were bums all day long and had fun but we got nothing done! Actually, we did make a good cookie and after dinner they had a great time in the tub!
I think we will try to get the upstairs organized in the morning but we want to take the girls out tomorrow to do something "fun", since Matt will only have one day off this weekend. So it looks like another weekend that nothing will get accomplished except of course those pancakes Matt is famous for will get made and eaten.
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