I had an OB appointment today and all went well for the most part. I still have not gained a ton of weight and I am holding steady at nine pounds. My blood pressure is still very good and the baby has a nice strong heartbeat. My measurements are a little off from the last appointment so the doctor had me set up an appointment for an ultra sound on Thursday. They will check the amniotic fluid level and the babies growth. I am thrilled at the prospect of another chance to see the baby and find out where all its body parts are so I can find out what body part has been poking me! I had this issue when I was pregnant with Jordan so I am not concerned about having to have an ultra sound or my measurements being "off". I am confident that the baby is fine and all will be well on Thursday. The surgical coordinator tried to call during nap time today to schedule the C-section but I was asleep in the hallway and missed the call. When I tried to call she was away from her desk and has not called back so I still have no idea when this baby will be born. One thing is for sure, it is coming out!
Jordan continues to be a huge trouble maker. She is talking up a storm and I am amazed constantly at the words that come flying out of her mouth. Today she was playing with the phone and said "Hi Danny" and when I told her to say "Hi" to Tanya she said "Hi Nana". She is getting ready for her shabbot phone call, so you guys better call her, she is ready for you! She can not keep her pants on. She runs around the house with her pants in hand or around her ankles laughing. I want to cry because it usually means that she has left her diaper somewhere behind her. I have started to dress her in onesies with panties underneath because she can not get the diaper down but t-shirts give her easy access. She continues to torment her big sisters by hitting them and kissing them every chance she gets.
Sydney is as sweet as ever and continues to amaze us every day. When Sydney makes a decision to do something she does it until she can do it by herself. No matter what the outfit is Sydney can put it on without assistance. She decided she was going to nap in her bedroom by herself and she does. Her ability to share is remarkable. The other day we had friends over and I offered banana's to the big kids and inadvertently neglected our friend Will, Sydney noticed that Will did not have banana and handed him a piece of hers. She is the same way with her sisters, even with M&M's, she shares everything she has.
Lior, now that she is napping is the child we know and love. It is amazing to see how much the sleep or lack there of has impacted her personality. Now that she is well rested she has found her sense of humor and we can not tell you how happy we are she found it! Hopefully life will be a little calmer now.
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