Thursday, March 27, 2008


Wednesday is usually a very long and rough day for us because we have to be out of the house by nine and we do not return home until after three. By the time we get home I am wiped out and the kids are at each others throats. I am usually at a loss when it comes to new activities for us to do and wind up either at Target or the mall. Yesterday I decided that it would be easier to take the kids to the playground and let them run around and then stick them in the car for a nap.
It was by far the best Wednesday we have had in months. The kids played on the playground for over two hours. They climbed, played on the swings, went down the slides and tried to do things that they had never done before. By the time I got them into the car Jordan was completely wiped out and fell asleep instantly. The big girls fell asleep about twenty minutes later while I was driving to Matt's office for lunch. When they woke up everyone was in a good mood and ready for the gym. The girls even managed to stay with the group and follow all the directions at the gym. Most importantly they were not fighting, they were not screaming and tantruming all day.
For the most part even bed time went rather well. Matt had to work late so I put the girls down by myself. Lior was not very happy with me so she was still upset by the time Matt came home and Matt had to sit with her. That would have been fine had everyone slept through the night but Jordan had other ideas. She woke up at about twelve and played in her crib for about an hour and then all hell broke loose and she was up. We brought her downstairs and let her lay down with us but she was not ready to go back to sleep. At about two in the morning I was ready to take her for a walk around the neighborhood, hoping she would fall asleep. Matt did not think his "ten month pregnant wife should be walking the neighborhood in the middle of the night" so he took her. It did not work. She was wide awake. When he brought her back into the house he hit every wall and every chair on his way in. So I was not surprised when both big girls woke up and were wide awake at almost three in the morning.
I went up to sit with the girls and decided that since everyone was awake Jordan could go back to her crib and cry herself to sleep. Who could she wake up? Even the dogs were awake and pacing. Matt crawled into Sydney's bed with both big girls and Jordan yelled in her crib for ten minutes and we were on our way back to sleep. I think Matt and I got about a total of four hours of sleep last night. Hopefully, next Wednesday we can have a good day and a good night. Tonight, well we can only hope that tonight will be a good night and all of our children will sleep through the night.

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