Thursday, March 13, 2008

"There is a baby in my butt!"

This morning Sydney was very sad. She woke up very sad and I heard her tell Matt while he was brushing teeth "I bewwy sad daddy". She was sad during breakfast. So sad that she looked like she was going to cry, Matt actually let her get up in the middle of breakfast to cuddle me. When I asked her why she was so sad she said the toothbrush hurt her but I do not think that is the real reason she was so sad. She never really ate breakfast which is something she does with gusto every day.
She seemed to cheer up after I got her dressed and we cuddled in the chair. She did make it a point to tell us that she did not feel well and wanted to stay home with me today. We told her that she needed to go to school and have fun with Lior and all her friends and she seemed fine with that. While we were cuddling we talked about the baby in my belly and the baby in her belly. She showed me where hers was and lifted up my shirt so she could see my baby and kiss it. By the end of the conversation she decided that her baby was no longer in her belly, "the baby not in my bewwy, it in my butt". I told her I knew exactly how she felt because I think my baby has moved to my butt as well.
We had the ultra sound today and the amniotic fluid level is very good. The baby has hair and we even have a picture of the hair standing up on top of its head. We have never had a baby with hair before. The baby looks like it weighs four pounds ten ounces which is on the small size. We seem to have small babies so I am not that worried, what worries me is the room for error. Apparently the measurements can be plus or minus a pound. I do not want the baby to be too small and have to spend any time in the NICU. I have lived through that and do not want to have to do that again.
We ran into the doctor who came to check on us while I was having the ultra sound and we told him about the contractions I was having so he did a quick internal exam. It seems that my cervix is shortening and getting soft. I never had any cervical changes when I was pregnant with the twins and experiencing pre-term labor. I was surprised to hear it but not really surprised that there was something going on because I can feel that! He must of told me he was on call over the weekend about four times but I assured him we would not be calling because this baby needs to gain some weight. My plan for the weekend is to eat and eat and eat and then eat some more. Oh yeah, and to stay away from the hospital.

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