Lior is thirty eight months old today. It is hard to believe that she is three. It is hard to believe that she is three years and two months.
Lior was not an easy baby. She was tough. I think I have said it before and I will say it again, I was afraid she was going to be as difficult throughout her entire childhood. I am extremely thankful that she is not as tough now as she was as an infant.
I do not want you to think that Lior is constantly throwing fits or tantruming not stop. She simply knows what she wants and is often unwilling to accept the alternative. She needs to know her limits and what the consequence will be if she does not follow directions. Once she realizes that there will be a consequence and that we are not going to change our minds she tows the line and is very pleasant.
Lior is silly. She is very very silly. Right now she is making up words for words that she knows the name of. Chicken legs are now called "chicken wacks (walks)" Uncle Jake is Uncle Eric and
ruggy means rough. Her grasp of language and the size of her vocabulary is absolutely amazing. She can talk your ear off and will if you appear to be unwilling to listen to her. If she realizes that you want to hear about what she is talking about, she stops talking and makes you really work for the information. She loves telling me about things that happened "yesterday" or "last night". I can always find out what happened at school because Lior can corroborate and expand on the stories that Sydney tells me.
Lior is funny. She also thinks she is funny. Today we we got into the car I heard her tell Sydney "It was so funny, I peed myself... isn't that funny Syd?" Of course Sydney thought it was funny. Those two often stay up for hours giggling and laughing.
Lior loves to cuddle. She falls asleep every afternoon with her head on some part of my body and at night she is cuddled into Sydney.
Lior loves to read books and can often be found thumbing through books or retelling the story to anyone who will listen. Her obsession lately has been looking for hidden pictures in her High Five magazine. She is so observant that she often sees things before I do.
Lior has started to write her name and creating drawings that look like actual objects. She can look at objects grouped together and tell you how many objects there are if there are fewer than four items. Her abilities change every day and she is learning new things all the time. Sometimes I find myself asking her "where did you learn that?" and she usually laughs and walks away or shows me the book where it came from.
Lior loves to get dirty.
I can not wait to see what she is going to do next!
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