I should be in bed, I should be closing my eyes and going to sleep but I can not because Jordan is twenty three months old today and deserves an update too.
Jordan was a very good baby, I should know because I never put her down. Matt swears that I did not let him hold her until she was three months old. She was so cuddly and because she nursed all the time we were always together and a perfect fit.
At twenty three months Jordan is able to name colors, animals, objects by function, answer questions related to a story or event and retell a story. Her ability to follow multi-step directions is amazing. Jordan expresses her emotions. Right now she is fixated on the fact that "Halloween stuff scares me" and that "Halloween stuff is meam." The other day when Sydney and Lior were at school she told me "I miss Sydney and Your". She does not miss them enough to want to join them at school but she misses her sisters enough to tell me about it.
Jordan's gross motor skills are incredible. She can swing on a bar, walk across the beam and climb just about anything. Her fine motor skills aren't bad either, she can pick all the stickers off a sheet by herself and then stick them all over my floor.
Jordan's biggest problem is that she is not three. When you watch Jordan play, she plays like a three year old. She has tea parties and birthday parties for her dolls. She changes her babies poopy diapers, pushes them around in a stroller while she talks to Minnie on the cell phone. She can usually be found playing with a hat on her head.
Jordan knows what she wants and how to get it, unfortunately her way of getting things often brings a tear to her unsuspecting sisters eye. Jordan hits and pushes and screams to get what she wants. Jordan is discovering the joys of time out on a daily basis because we have started a zero tolerance policy for hitting. When we ask her if she wants to go to time out, she usually says "no" and slinks away.
Jordan is a very funny child.
It is hard to believe that my "wild child", my funny, silly little girl is so shy when we are out and about that most people do not see the real Jordan. They see a child who sits on my lap during activities and does not stray far from me. Jordan usually does not interact with people unless I am by her side or Sydney and Lior are there to break the ice for her. I hope she is able to break out of her shell and become a little more outgoing. I do have to admit that I do not mind being her favorite "thing" in the world, a mom could not ask for more. I am sure there will come a time when she will not want to play with me at all, so I will enjoy it while she still likes me.
1 comment:
These post are the best. I love to see the progression in pictures. It is amazing how far Jordan has come. She is NOT chopped liver anymore.
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