Sydney is thirty eight months old today. I figure it is time for an update on all the wonderful things she can do.
When Sydney was an infant I called her my "easy button", I could put her down on the floor with a toy and she would play for hours and then she learned to walk and the easy days were over.
Sydney and Lior play beautifully with each other when I am not in the room they always have. The second that they know I can see them the fighting starts. The fighting also starts when Jordan enters the picture. Jordan and Sydney do not play as well together because Jordan wants whatever Sydney has and grabs it right out of her hands and runs away. That really pisses Sydney off and it really pisses Jordan off when Sydney takes the item back, forcefully.
Sydney loves to play with her babies, she can play with them all day. She feeds them, changes them , dresses them and holds them while she reads them books. Sydney loves babies. She is fantastic with "Keev", as she has renamed her little brother. Sydney is always talking to him and engaging him, she finds toys that she thinks he will like and brings them to him if he is crying and she loves to hold him.
Sydney is always looking to draw pictures and write "letters" for us. She is demonstrating age appropriate pre-writing skills and I think it is going to be a matter of time before she is writing her own name. Sydney can identify and name between five and ten letters of the alphabet. She knows the letter "s" because that's her letter. She also know "L" for her sister Lior. The other letters she is aware of all corelate to members of our family (A, E, D, M and W). She counts from one to ten and is grasping the concept of one- to- one correlation. Her language skills are excellent and she is getting better everyday. Her articulation is her biggest obstacle at this time. Sometimes she is hard to understand but after careful prodding I have discovered that she is stimulable for all the sounds she is omitting. What does that mean? Well it means that she is capable of making the sounds now, when she is given a model so I suspect that she will be using them all soon.
Sydney is such a good natured and sensitive child. Her feeling get hurt so easily. It breaks my heart when Lior does not want to play with Sydney just because she knows that it bothers her. I guess that is what kids do to each other but it still bugs me.
Sydney loves life. She loves having fun and taking risks.
1 comment:
these 2 entries are incredible. I have read them 3 times today already. I keep looking at the pictures and remembering the milestones. Today's entries have brought back some great memories.
YOU ARE FANTASTIC!!!!!! even if I don't say enough.
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