It is hard to believe Akiva is six months old today. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital.
It is even harder to believe how much he has changed in the last six months. He has gone from this tiny little guy who needed to eat ALL OF THE TIME to a fairly consistent schedule which includes solid food.
Tonight he tried his first teething biscuit, which he loved. He even picked it up from the table and placed it into his mouth. I think they will become a part of his evening routine because we were able to eat some of our dinner without holding him. I also think that the biscuit may make his gums feel better. Our poor baby has been teething for about two months and he has nothing to show for it. He tries to put both of his fists in his mouth on a regular basis. I am hoping a tooth pops out soon, maybe that will help him sleep through the night.
He is not sleeping as well as he was a month ago. The doctor seemed to think that solid food would help and it really has not so we are going to try some tough love. Matt seems to think that he is waking up out of habit so we are going to try to Ferberize him, it is time to cry it out and learn to sleep through the night. Matt is in for a rough week and a clean house because when the baby is crying we tend to clean to take our minds off the screaming.
Akiva is enjoying tummy time on the floor. I have started to put him on the floor in the afternoon to give him some time to play and strengthen those tummy muscles. He loves it and can hang out down there for about thirty minutes or longer, especially when the girls are playing with him. He is starting to do the army crawl and today he was pushing himself backwards along the floor. The rocking motion has started and he will be crawling before I know it. Where has my baby gone?
Akiva is one lucky kid because he has three older sisters who just love everything about him. They love to talk to him when he is sad to try and cheer him up. They love to help me change his diaper and they love to hold him.
He is one lucky boy.
Akiva is always singing and talking to his toys and his feet. He loves to eat his feet. Matt and I think that Akiva is our only child who has shown this much interest in his feet. I just do not remember the other kids eating their toes! Akiva has a dynamic smile and the bluest eyes I think I have ever seen. He is really a very happy baby.
1 comment:
Soon he will learn to say no just like the others. We are in for it. He is already different than the girls were. We are going to have our hands full.
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