My poor Jordan, she wants to be a big kid so badly. We switched Sydney and Lior's room today to make room for Akiva. Akiva got the girls old room and they moved into what used to be our guest room. Now Matt does not have to paint and everyone is happy, except Jordan. She wanted to move also. When the girls went upstairs to look at their new room I had the letters that used to hang over their beds laying on the bed so they could pick which bed they wanted. It is funny Sydney picked the bed I thought she would and Lior just went with the flow and was happy that the new lamp made it back into the room. "Look mom, my lamp is here! I love my lamp!"
Jordan looked around and was surprised that her crib was not in the room. Sydney was also disappointed "What about Jordan?" They really thought Jordan was going to sleep in their room too. If we did that nobody would get any sleep and Matt would be even crankier.
Jordan climbed into one of the beds and said "I going to sleep" which made me feel even worse. I need to do something special for her room to make her feel a little better. By the time bed time came around she was so tired that there was not an issue but I hate that she feels left out. I need to go out and get her a letter for her wall like the girls have and put them all up on the same day or something.
Akiva is OK with the move as long as there is something for him to chew on. He does not know what he is in for. I suspect there will be a lot of crying in his future. Maybe I'll get him a letter too.
1 comment:
Why am I the cranky one? I am not the only that complains about waking up 6 times a night.
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