I think I may hate Mondays and it is all Danny's fault, again. I finally attempted to have the oven fixed a week ago Friday. It turns out that the entire control panel had melted in August while my brother was here. They needed to order the part and set up an appointment for today between eight and one. Well at one twenty I called to find out where they were. I chatted with a customer service representative who could care less that I was sitting in my house with three kids all day and said that the tech was not answering his phone so there was nothing she could do. I explained that there was probably something she could do and that I needed to hear back from someone in thirty minutes. I waited over an hour and no response so I called back and asked to speak to a supervisor. After a small amount of lip service I was told that the reason the tech was not there was because the part had not been delivered to the house.
I think that is when my head exploded because the part had arrived by a member of their staff earlier in the day. Apparently there had been a miscommunication that had me sitting in my house all day. I forcefully explained how this was unacceptable and that in the future all service calls would be the first appointment of the day because they had wasted enough of my time. She apologized and said she had no problem scheduling my next service call between eight and ten in the morning. I restated my demand, perhaps a little louder than I should have because a sleeping Jordan started crying and she immediately said that would be fine.
It is not that the girls were getting in trouble all day because they weren't. We played outside with the sidewalk chalk in the morning and then painted. I just thought that we would be able to get out of the house in the afternoon and get some chores done. If I had planned for a day in the house it would have been much easier to sit all day long.
When the tech finally arrived I pushed the girls into the backyard to play, thinking it would take him hours to complete the repair. Twenty minutes later he was asking if we had a bathroom he could use because he was done. I sat in my house all day, spending at least forty minutes on the phone tracking these people down and it took him twenty minutes! The girls were having too much fun to go inside to get ready to go to the store so I wrote the day off and decided to enjoy the cool breeze. As soon as I asked the girls to stay away from the swings because there was a wasp nest Lior came running up to me screaming in pain holding her forehead over her right eye. She was bitten by one of those nasty wasps. I called our ex-paramedic neighbor and he came over with some spray Benedryl and told me not to worry. He also took care of several large nests under our swing set. I took the girls inside and noticed that Liors bite was now the size of an egg and she was complaining that it hurt her. I called Matt and then I called the pediatrician. Thank goodness they call back right away because the nurse talked me down off the ledge and assured me that Lior would be fine, if there was going to be a reaction it would have happened already.
The day was over and I was more than done. Thank you Danny for breaking my oven and making poor Lior get hurt. It is not like the time where you slammed Sydney's finger in the door and blamed Eric, this one is ALL YOUR FAULT!!!
Huh? What did I do? Its not my fault you buy crappy appliances and live in swamp land!
Next thing you'll be blaming me for being pregnant!
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