Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Matt's theory

Sydney is sick. Lior is sick. Jordan is sick. I am sick. The only one who is not sick is Matt who seems to be fighting the cold off. It seems that we have been sick a lot lately and Matt has a theory about why we have been so sick. Danny isn't going to like the theory but here it goes...
Matt thinks our kids have been sick since his kids were here in August. It is true, the girls have been fighting off at least one bug or another since August. As soon as one kid gets better another one gets sick. It is a never ending battle and apparently it is all Danny's fault because his kids carried some third world germs into our germ free home. It has nothing to do with the fact that our kids started school and are exposed to those germs. Matt just doesn't believe it, in his mind Danny has created some kind of conspiracy to topple our home. First he attacked our appliances and now he is trying to get us by seeing how we cope with perpetually sick kids.
I got a call from the doctors office today which just about pushed me over the edge. They called to tell me that Sydney did have a UTI and that children her age don't get UTI's and they needed further tests to rule out something more serious. One test was to test her renal function and the other test would check to see if her urine was being flushed back into her bladder causing a bad infection. I really don't like to do any medical tests on the kids, especially ones that require them to be catheterized without sedation. I have seen one of my children scream in pain during that procedure and never want to see it again! When I questioned the nurse further and asked if this was really necessary after one UTI she scared the shit out of me by mentioning Kidney Disease, kidney failure and a kidney transplant.
When I called Matt he had me calm down while he called our pediatrician to find out the real story. After she called back we decided that Sydney is at an age that is considered borderline, if she were younger we would be more worried. We are going to wait until her urine is rechecked next Wednesday and then we would consider all of our options. Matt has wracked his brain and figures that this UTI is all Danny's fault because Sydney's immune system was weakened by the germs that his kids got off the plane with. Matt figures that if Eiton hadn't gotten off the plane with strep throat all of our kids would be healthy today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even the fires in CA. I don't know how but he is behind it.