We are getting ready for Halloween and a trip to Disney World and I am tired, my feet hurt and I can not do another load of laundry because it will need to be folded and put away. Packing for our trip is a major undertaking. Matt and I figure that each girl will need two outfits per day and one extra or twenty one outfits. They do not have that many pairs of pants so they better just get their shirts dirty because I have plenty of those! All this packing for four days has me in a state of panic thinking about our two week trip to Israel in June. I'll have four kids to pack for, at least I will be able to do Laundry and break some of Danny's appliances.
Getting ready for Halloween is much more fun and far less exhausting than packing. The girls have had lots of fun looking for costumes.
Sydney tried on a chicken costume to please her father.

Matt tried to convince them to be Nemo.

Lior tried on Jordan's costume.

Sydney loved the Mulan costume.

And our little Jordan looked as cute as ever in
her costume.

We went to a Halloween party at the gym

and helped Daddy carve a pumpkin.

I know the girls are excited about Trick or Treating, we just hope Tropical Storm Noel stays away long enough so we can have a happy Halloween.
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