The day was a long one that turned out very well. Sydney went back to the doctor for a re-check and her urine was clear and they will be sending it out for a culture just to be sure. We will probably have to do some additional tests but we will make that decision next week. Jordan decided to get sick today. She vomited three times before I left the house at nine but was not running a fever and seemed to be in a fine mood. She got sick once more and did not eat a drop of food all day, her mood is good but you can tell that our littlest one just doesn't feel well. We hope she feels better tomorrow.
Tropical storm Noel put a little damper on the day. It has been raining on and off all day and it has been very windy, we thought Halloween was going to be a big bust. I decided to take the kids to the mall for some trick or treating only to find that it did not start until five. Some stores were very nice and gave the kids fists full of candy and the other stores turned them away. They had a great time and enjoyed eating their candy anyway!
Lior has been saying "Happy Birthday Halloween" for days and now she has added "trick or treat". Matt and I could not believe how much the girls loved trick or treating. Lior was very brave and walked up to houses and said "trick or treat". Sydney walked right up behind her holding a hand, said "trick or treat" and made sure to say "thank you" to everyone who gave her candy. Jordan enjoyed riding in her car and seeing all the kids running around. Everyone had a good time, even grandpa who sat in front of our house and gave away close to ten pounds of candy.
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