Wednesday is a very long day for us. Today was even longer than usual. It started right around six in the morning when Matt woke me up and asked if he could go to work because he could not sleep. After he woke me up I could not fall back to sleep, actually I did fall back to sleep for maybe five minutes until Lior started to cry at a quarter to seven. She calmed down and I managed to fall back to sleep for another five or ten minutes when Jordan started to cry. Now there is NO sleeping through Jordan's crying because she shrieks at the top of her lungs until you acknowledge her.
I was awake about two hours longer than I normally am and I am no morning person. The second I walked upstairs Lior and Sydney popped up and were ready to start the day. I decided to let the girls play in their room with Jordan because they always have so much fun when Matt does it. Mistake, big mistake. I should not have delayed breakfast because these girls were not happy campers, they needed to eat and they let me know by screaming at me at the top of their lungs.
Now I mentioned earlier that Wednesday's are long days. The cleaning lady comes on Wednesday and I like to have the laundry done and put away so that there is less clutter for her to put away and loose for me. I also have to put everything away and leave notes so that she does not empty the dirty dishes into the cabinets or over stuff my washing machine with a combination of dirty rags and baby clothes. I usually do all this while I run in and out of baby jail changing diapers, bringing Lior to the toilet, filling milk or juice sippies and making sure they do not kill each other. Today there was lots of crying and complaining about the clothes I picked out. Lior refused to wear the pants I picked and wanted pink ones. When I brought out a pink shirt and pink overalls she picked up the shirt but refused to wear the overalls "I don wan dose, I wan pink pants". I finally found some pink pants that were not too small and we were set. Actually we were set but Sydney refused to put her pants on after I changed her poopy diaper. I actually had to wrestle them onto her.
I pushed the girls into the car and Jordan was asleep before we even left the driveway. Lior was asleep ten minutes later. Sydney held out another twenty minutes but finally fell asleep just as I was giving up hope! I had a few minute to eat Matt's lunch while the girls slept in the car and we were off the the gym.
After the gym I took them to the mall to look for Halloween costumes. After forty five minutes of the girls trying on every costume and telling me "no, I don wan dat one." I forced them into Cinderella costumes that I am sure I will return. Sydney was more interested in trying on every shoe she could find and Lior was more interested in the dolls. I just wanted them to fall in love with a costume and have to have it. Maybe next year.
I had them home by five and fed by six. I popped in a movie and let the kids turn into little vegetables while I dressed them for bed. I let them call Matt to say goodnight and Lior and Jordan were asleep before eight. Sydney did not fall asleep until at least nine thirty, after she got to have a cuddle with her daddy.
Another long Wednesday is over and I am relieved because the house is clean and she did not put the dirty dishes in our cabinets.
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