Ann and Martha win the prize. I am not sure what the prize is or if there is even a prize but if there is a prize, it's theirs! They needed no extra clues to figure out our cryptic post from yesterday!
Yes, Matt and I are expecting another baby in April. Much to our surprise and delight, we could not be more excited and thrilled to welcome another member to our family. We will have four children under three and hopefully two of them will be out of diapers. Keep your fingers crossed!
I took the girls to the "pumpkin patch" aka pumpkins on pallets today with some of their friends to help get them excited about the upcoming fall holiday. Since we have no noticeable change of season, no leaves on the ground and no chill in the air explaining fall as we try to find some shade so we don't get a sunburn is kind of silly. So rather than telling them all about the changing season I told them to run around and find a pumpkin they wanted to bring home. They did not care about bringing home a pumpkin. They thought it was great fun to climb on the pumpkins and watch them fall off the pallets and I had great fun watching them!
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