I had big plans for the girls this week while they were off from school. I planned to have Lior in "big kid pants" and I planned on getting the girls to nap at home, in their beds. I have accomplished nothing! Both girls have been feeling so rotten, their moods have matched the way they feel.
The first day of potty training started with Lior asking for "big kid pants" and doing really well going to the bathroom without having an accident but as the Tylenol wore off and it was getting closer to nap time she broke down. She stood in the bathroom and begged me for a diaper. I can usually joke with her and get her to stop crying but this time she would not leave the bathroom without a diaper and she would not stop crying until she had that diaper. It took her some time to calm down once that diaper went on and she was not taking it off without a fight. So, no more potty training that day.
The rest of the week has been spent trying to keep up on the green noses and trying to keep the coughing at bay. Nap time has been in the car even though I really want to get them back into their beds. They have been so miserable, for my self preservation, I have thrown them in the car and wished them to sleep before the first red light.
Now that they are starting to feel better (not sounding better), I hope to get some potty training done. I do not think I will get them to nap in their beds because we will be out and about but I am going to have Matt help with that task over the weekend.
I can not wait for them to feel better so we can go back to doing all the fun things we usually do without worrying about infecting all of our friends.
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