I took the three girls to Costco by myself today which is usually a lot of fun and today was no exception. The girls sat in the cart without complaining while we walked around the the store. The girls enjoyed looking at the pre-lit Christmas tress and assorted decorations. Even when they decided to get out and walk they listened beautifully and stayed by the cart.
The fun began when we had to change Jordan's VERY STINKY diaper in the dark and dingy bathroom. Jordan was not thrilled about laying down on the changing table but she never is. While I was trying to wrestle her onto the changing table the girls discovered that they had unlimited access to the "toopa-towel". By the time I was done changing the squirmy wormy the girls had pulled out a several arm length sheets of toilet paper and were running around the bathroom screaming that they wanted to wash their hands. I could not wait to wash their hands and would have preferred boiling their little bodies in bleach fearful that they were now infected with the plague.
It is days like today that I wish that I had grabbed the camera that was sitting on the kitchen counter. I could have captured some very funny pictures of Sydney and Lior running out of the bathroom trailing several feet of toilet paper and running circles around me while I apologized to every Costco employee I saw. They all laughed and thought that the girls were adorable and they are I just wish they would have their fun away from the bacteria infested bathroom.
When we were done with our bathroom antics we headed to get a frozen yogurt to share. This is always a huge hit because there is not much we enjoy more than a frozen yogurt. The girls enjoyed eating their yogurt while countless people commented on how cute they were. The comments only increased when Lior started to feed Sydney across the table. They really are cute!
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