Thursday, January 10, 2008

Daddy's girl

Matt and Lior seem to be butting heads these days. Matt picks much different battles than I do and I think that is part of the problem.
Last night when Matt was trying to read the girls a book on the big bed Lior decided to run around like a lunatic (2 year-old), so she lost the big bed. She was really mad at him and told him "You go downstairs and do dishes, I want Mommy". Tonight was not much better when she refused to brush her teeth.
The last few nights Lior has gotten upset when Matt is on his way home. "I don't want Daddy come home, he makes me sick!" I do believe she is upset when he is on the way home because she is hungry and does not want to wait for him to come home. Tonight she told me that "Daddy makes me miserable."
Lior really LOVES HER DADDY but she just does not like the battles he picks. I know they will work out their little impasse, it will just take time and patience!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matts a butt head??