Not only is it my brother Eric's forty fourth birthday but it is also Jordan's fourteenth month birthday. Happy birthday to you both! Eric has accomplished a lot in his forty plus years but it's Jordan's accomplishments I will be focusing on. She has grown and changed so very much, it is hard to believe she was ever a tiny little baby.
I think I ask Matt on a weekly basis "Were the big girls this cute?, Were the big girls this active?, Were the big girls this verbal?" I just do not remember what they were like when they were her age. I can tell you that Jordan has amazing motor skills and can climb as well as one of the big girls and they climb very well. I still do not know where the kids got that skill because both Matt and I can fall over a feather!
Jordan's vocabulary is huge and it is growing every day! She says Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa, Grandma, Kaya, dog, duck, quack, moo, WATER!!!, more, pretzel, book, read, raisin, cereal, (ba)nana, bottle, juice, my juice, nose, medicine, glasses, helicopter, yellow, sock, shoe, JoJo, Wiggles, out, P.U., apple, bagel, down, ball, spoon, cup, grape, baby, cookie, diaper, bath and I am sure she says more but that is all I can think of now. Did you notice how many words were food items? She loves to eat and drink! During dinner she just sits there and screams WATER, WATER until we fill her cup, which is the same as the other kids. She is trying to eat with a spoon and a fork, without help of course.
She loves when her sisters play with her and read to her. Right now she likes to hit them every chance she gets. They are usually pretty good when Jordan walks up and smacks them. Lior tells her "Jordan don' hit me, we don hit!", Sydney generally screams "Jordan, NO!" and covers her head... and then sometimes she smacks her! The last few nights before bed the big girls have wanted to dance with daddy, so Matt has been doing Ring-Around-The-Rosy with them and Jordan just thinks it is hysterical when she is invited into the circle.
Bath time is one of her favorite times of day. She holds her own in the tub when Sydney or Lior pour water over her head or take one of her toys. She and Matt have a great game they play almost every night. Jordan tries to climb out of the tub so Matt grabs her green towel and says "Jordan do you want to come out of the tub?" She takes one look at that towel, laughs and hauls butt to the other side of the tub.
Jordan is a great kid to be around, she has fun and the fun that she has is infectious. You can not help but to laugh when she is laughing or smile when she is smiling. It will be very interesting and exciting to see what the months ahead have in store for us!
Happy birthday Jordan!!!
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