We have reached some very important milestones this week. At least I think they are important.
Jordan is eating out of a snack bag, just like the big kids, without throwing the food all over the place or eating the bag. This accomplishment makes my life so much easier because now I can keep her busy in the car without turning around every few minutes. She has also started to say both Sydney and Lior's name which thrills her sisters no end.
Sydney is telling me when she needs to pee on the potty towards the end of the day. She usually wants an M&M for going but she is going and not having accidents. Her language appears to be improving as well. She is better able to express her wants and needs without getting frustrated which makes me very happy. When one of the other kids takes something from her, her first reaction is to use her words not her hands. Matt and I are very proud of her.
Lior is making leaps and bounds as well. She is interested in using the toilet because she does not want to wear a diaper anymore. "I want big kid pants." She does not always remember to use the potty especially if she is busy playing or watching a movie. Her language skills seem to be getting better also. Sometimes the things she comes up with floor me. Lior appears to have inherited my fondness of cleaning. She just flat out refuses and says "No Mommy, you do it!" Well the chances of mommy doing it are slim and none so Sydney comes to the rescue because she loves to clean up! Lior will clean up if I motivate her with the promise of a treat but often forgets about the treat by the time we are done.
Both big girls need new clothes because their pants are too short. Lior and Sydney both want yellow pants, so we will see if their wish comes true. Jordan seems to be growing out of her clothes as well but she has garbage bags filled with cute outfits that I just need to pull out and wash.
I have also achieved an important milestone in my pregnancy, I need what Matt calls my throne! I have this huge body pillow that scoops around my body and supports both my back and my belly. Since my back hurts more in the last couple of days I need all the help I can get. It also helps me sleep on the nights I have to sleep sitting up due to heartburn. The girls milestones are so much more exciting than mine!
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