The big girl beds have been a huge success, for the most part. The girls really love them and are very proud that they get to sleep in "big girl beds". They have shown them to everyone who steps foot into our house. This morning when Matt went upstairs to wake them up they were both sleeping in Sydney's bed. When I asked them about it the conversation went something like this:
"Sydney did Lior sleep in your bed last night?"
"Yes, Your cuddle me"
"Lior did you sleep in Sydney's bed?"
"Uh huh"
"Her crying!"
"Sydney were you crying?"
"I cry, I sad, Your cuddle wit me."
It gets better... Tonight while they were eating ice cream, the conversation went something like this...
"Your, you sleep in my bed tonight?"
"Tidney, you want me sleep you bed?"
"Yeah, you sleep my bed."
Unfortunately, they are not capable of calming down in the same bed and they are now sleeping in their very own beds. After what I can only imagine as a mid-air collision our girls have been put in their respective corners and their father sent downstairs for good behavior and I have taken over bed time.
Potty training is going very well with little effort from me. Sydney is wonderful and really encourages Lior to pee on the potty. When we are home the girls are without diapers and we have not had any accidents in the last two days. I am hoping we can spend some quality time in the house this weekend and really try to get these girls trained. Sydney really wants to go to school without a diaper and I would love to let her try when we get a little better at it.
I am still undecided about school. I know some of the other moms are undecided as well. One mom commented today that she heard the teachers snap at the kids. I taught preschool and it is very easy to snap at the kids. Some would say that our house is just like a preschool and I snap at the kids. It is not an easy job, especially in a two-year old classroom. I am not making any snap judgements based on hearsay. I am thrilled that the kids are coming home happy, dirty, and tired. Their art work is messier and looks closer to the art that we do at home which means that they are doing it themselves. Do I like everything I hear when I am picking up and dropping off, no. I need to remind myself that my background as an SLP makes me more aware and attuned to language and how it is used or not used.
Lior is enjoying school and today when I asked her if she liked Morah Stacey she said "yes". Every other time I asked her she said "No, I only like Shuli." Sydney is still having a hard time letting me leave in the morning. She clings to me and says "I want to go home wis you Mommy" and cries. This morning after she told me that she reached out to Shuli and went to her without kicking and screaming. I will take that as a sign of improvement.
I like the school as a whole, they do a lot of wonderful things with the kids and expose them to things that I can not. They are being exposed to a world of Judaism which is very important and are learning to get along in the world without their mother pinned to their side. Do I wish some things were different? Yes, of course but I hope it will only get better in time.
Jordan is an absolutely amazing child! I can say that because it is true, I am her mother I should know! She is talking so much more than she was two weeks ago. Today, at the grocery store she was naming the things I put in the cart grapes, broccoli and milk just to name a few. She asks for M&M's every time the girls get one. She points to Sleeping Beauty and says Aurora. She is starting to combine two words "Bye-Bye Daddy". She sits for an entire book and names the pictures on the page. I am constantly amazed by her expressive word knowledge. Her receptive word knowledge is even greater and she follows directions very well. When the big girls are drawing with markers she sits down and attempts to scribble on the paper but eventually winds up eating the marker. I think we will be switching to crayons because she does not like to eat those anymore.
She has begun to refine her motor movements as well. She is able to eat cereal with milk and yogurt off a spoon by herself. This accomplishment has made meal time that much easier. She stands up on the beam and balances herself without assistance. We had a new instructor at the gym yesterday (for the big girls class) and she was amazed by Jordan. She went right over to Jordan's instructor and said "That one is incredible, she has no fear and walks across that beam." Sometimes I wish she were not in such a hurry to grow up. Today I found her and her sisters sitting on top of the kitchen counter playing in the sink. How did she get up there? Why she climbed of course! Thank goodness we have a crib tent on her crib because I do not want her out of her crib anytime soon.
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