Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My trip to the doctor

I am currently twenty six weeks and five days pregnant. I find it incredibly hard to believe that in about twelve weeks we will have another baby. This seems much more realistic today than it did yesterday because I went to the doctor today. Things always seem "more" real after you go to the doctor. Overall it was a good appointment, the baby sounded good and kicked the Doppler every chance it got. I finally gained some weight! It is very discouraging to hear that you gained seven pounds in one month but when you have only gained seven pounds in twenty six weeks it is not that bad. I just hate seeing the scale numbers creep up and up. Maybe I should cut back on the ice cream every day? But like Sydney likes to remind me constantly "Ice cream makes me feel all better!"
I feel good but they did find blood in my urine which could be the sign of a bladder or kidney infection. I do not want either! When I was newly pregnant with Jordan I had a kidney stone and it was more painful than the twenty one hours I spent in labor with the twins. Matt could not believe I wanted to go to the hospital because I never wanted to go when I was in preterm labor with the twins! My instructions are to drink, drink, drink and then drink some more. I am tired of running to the bathroom every ten minutes but in certainly beats the alternative. I want to avoid a hospital stay which would send my family into a tailspin. I will be drinking my water and cranberry juice until I can not stand it anymore and then I will drink some more.

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