When we brought them upstairs after the beds were set up they put all the stuffed animals on the unmade beds and jumped on them. They made sure the music boxes from their cribs made it onto their new beds, just in case. Lior and Sydney spent the next twenty minutes jumping from one bed to the other raving about their "big girl" beds. I explained that their beds still needed sheets and I would put them on their beds before bed time. Sydney reminded me that they needed to be "big girl sheets."
During bath time while Matt had them busy. I ran upstairs to make the big girl beds with their pink big girl sheets and their cuddly pink blanket. After breaking my back putting sheets on the bed I heard Sydney yelling for me and insisting that I let her come upstairs to see the big girl beds. I made her wait for Matt because I was not really ready for the girls and I did not want to walk the stairs more than I had too. By the time the girls came up stairs they were chomping at the bit to see those beds. Sydney even tried to climb the gate to get into her room, she usually wants OUT!
Lior was thrilled with her pink sheets, cuddly blanket and very own pillow.
I think they like their new beds. I can hear Matt right now telling them to stay in their beds and go to sleep. I warned him that bed time was going to take him a very long time tonight, the girls are way too excited to go to sleep!
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