Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy new year

At the start of the day Matt and I were concerned that our new year was going to be a bad one. Lior was having meltdown after meltdown. Everything was setting her off. She did not like the color of her bowl at breakfast, she wanted to watch TV, she did not want to change her diaper, and she did not want to change her clothes. We could not figure out what that child wanted so we threw the kids in the car and told them we were going to see animals. That is when Lior decided she wanted to go to the zoo to see alligators and monkeys, so we went to the zoo.
On our way to the zoo we stopped for pink donuts for the girls and that really seemed to turn our child in a bad mood into the happiest girl in the whole wide world. The girls were fantastic at the zoo. Jordan even got into the action with her animal sounds. When she saw the monkeys she said "ooh, ooh". Sydney chased some poor peacock and when we told her she was scaring the bird like the firecrackers scare her she said "I not a firecracker!".
After a very rocky start to our new year it turned out to be a great day. What a great way to start the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great start to the year. I can not wait for more fun with the family in the upcoming year. I love you all. Thanks for being in my life.