It is hard to believe that two years ago today my feet looked like this. Those swollen feet got those babies delivered at thirty six weeks and five days, about three weeks early. I was very grateful they took those babies when they did. I was tired of looking at those Shreck feet and walking on them was far worse. It is hard to believe that two years have flown by since I was looking at those two little babies in the NICU. Lior was hooked up to a C-PAP machine which forced air at her because she had several apnea episodes.
I remember looking at her and thinking that she had my feet. After taking her shoe shopping several times I can safely say I was right. She has my long narrow feet.
Sydney did not need a C-PAP machine so I was able to hold her the day she was born. I remember thinking that she had the cutest little round head and rosy cheeks. She had the cutest little pucker and the bluest eyes.
She still is as cute as a button and has the most energizing smile and zest for life.
I wish I could say that they had a very happy birthday but they did not. They both wound up at the doctors office with fevers, a cough, and overall yuckiness. They tested negative for Strep which made us feel better. They think it is a virus which will run its course but not before they spend every minute of the day permanently fixed to me. To say that they are clingy is putting it mildly. When we got home from the doctor Jordan started to feel warm and was coughing and sneezing. It looks like the girls are sharing the wealth and passing it around. I hope they keep it to themselves and don't infect me and Matt.
I can not wait for Lior to get back to her usual happy disposition.
And for Sydney to play with gusto.
Happy birthday little monkeys! I can not wait to see what the next year will bring!
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