Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I may not be ready

The girls start school in two weeks. I am not ready, at least I don't think I am. Their teacher called me tonight to introduce herself and set up a home visit. I may be a little concerned because I had met their teacher a few weeks ago and the woman who called me today was not who I met. When I asked what had happened to Vicki she said "oh, things did not work out with her". Oh great! When and where did they find this teacher and is she the bottom of the barrel because all the good teachers were scooped up? Maybe I will call the director and find out what happened or maybe I will just wait and see...
We have been talking about school a lot around here and the girls know they are going. They know that mommy will be walking them although Lior is fairly certain she will be riding a bus, a yellow bus to be exact. Sydney knows that mommy will not be staying and she will be playing with friends, including Lior. Both girls know their teachers name is Leslie and Matt has taught them to throw kisses in response to "What do you say to Morah Leslie?" We are preparing them slowly by reading books and talking about all the fun they are going to have.
So why am I not ready? I like spending time with those girls. We have fun. We do something new everyday and they come up with new and exciting things all the time. I like knowing where they learned something. I know this will be a great experience for them and they will be learning new and wonderful things every day but somehow it does not make me feel like I am ready. When I worry about it I remember it is just two days a week and it will free up some time for me to spend with Jordan and possibly help Matt at the office.

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