The first day was tough. My poor Sydney had a really really tough day! I got her to school a little before nine so I could spend a little extra time in the room with the girls. They were fine as long as I was in the room. When I informed Sydney that it was time for me and Jordan to leave she became very upset. I hugged and kissed her and reminded her that I would come and walk her home later. She was still sad and I left. I did not go far, I went back to my faithful port hole where I had a birds eye view of all the kids in the room crying, except Lior. Lior was content sitting at the art table playing with the glue and a paint brush.
Sydney was not as happy or interested in the glue, the paper, or the paint brushes. She wanted her Mommy and there was NO changing her mind! After about a half an hour they took the kids outside for a little change in environment. I thought this would be Sydney's magic bullet and once she hit the heat and humidity she would stop crying, no such luck. They came to get me and I took Sydney to the playground where she had a great time.
I walked into the gym and my phone rang. Sydney was still crying and they thought I should come back. Matt was on his way to the gym to spend some quality time with Jordan so I waited for him to arrive so he could put her car seat in his car and Jordan could stay at the gym and I raced back to cuddle my Sydney.
When I arrived my Sydney had finally calmed down and decided to join in on some of the fun. They told me that while Sydney was crying on the playground Lior came over and tried to kiss Sydney's head but Sydney pushed her away. I am glad Lior is such a good sister, they even pulled her out of the room to walk with Sydney and she was fine with it. The director told me that Sydney was able to calm herself down by cuddling with the rebbetzin for about twenty minutes and then she just decided to get up and start playing. I was so relieved that Sydney was fine when I got back, I saw her through the window and she was smiling.
I got home at about eleven and was at a loss, whatever was I going to do with NO BABIES? I turned on the television and watched in bed for thirty minutes and then I had to get up. I made myself wait until twelve thirty to walk back over to school. Matt met me there with Jordan just as they were walking Sydney out because she was sad. I walked her back to her classroom where we played for the last few minutes of the day and Lior got the chance to show me all the beautiful pictures she drew.
Later in the afternoon when I asked Lior if she had fun she said yes. When I asked her if Sydney had fun she said "No, Sydney missed you." I felt like crawling under the floor until I asked her if she missed me and she said "No, I missed Daddy". I think Lior is ready to go back to school but Sydney says she does not want to go back. The only way she will go back is if she can wear her backpack because she really likes the accessories.
1 comment:
I know Sydney had a hard day. That breaks my heart. On the plus side though I got to spend a portion of my day with Jordan. I had a few errands to run and I really enjoyed having Jordan for company. That was the first time I have been alone with Jordan. All my friends at the rental store (I finally returned the bounce house) could not stop cooing at her and complimenting her.
I look forward to spending more time with Jordan. Hopefully it will not be at Sydney's expense though.
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