Monday, August 20, 2007

I want my cribs back

I wish for the days when the girls were in their cribs. Everything was better. Nap time was better, mornings were better, and bedtime was really better. It all started when Sydney climbed out of the crib. Why wasn't she happy in the crib???? She loved her bed! She had all of her animals, her music and some toys. When we put her to bed at night she would put on her music and play quietly with her toys. Lior was also happy in her bed and would go to sleep without much effort but now that they are free bedtime is very tough although Lior did not cry as long as she did last night.
Sydney can not calm down with us in the room and Lior can not calm down when we are not. Sydney likes the door closed, Lior likes it open. When Sydney wants the door closed she often closes it on Lior which makes Lior scream. What to do, what to do...
We have thought of several solutions which include separating the girls and putting Lior in with Jordan but neither of us really wants to do that. We are probably going to take out the "big bed" and put their crib mattresses on the floor so they each have their own bed. Maybe if they have their own space they will stop pounding on each other and go to sleep like they used to. A girl can dream!

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