We started the day at Costco, which would have been great because Lior and Jordan slept in the car under Liel's watchful eye (she did loose Sydney yesterday but that is another story) but Sydney did not sleep. Sydney ate her way around the store and enjoyed the attention from her adoring cousins when she should have been sleeping.
Our next stop was the mall. I had my mom go in to the mall with Jordan and Lior because Sydney was now asleep in the car. I volunteered to go and get Eric from the airport after his flight was delayed for the second time. I thought that she would sleep for atleast two hours. She slept forty minutes and she woke up wanting me to carry her and very cranky. I should have turned around and gone home, but I did not and marched into the mall.
I was setting the kids up with their lunch when my niece discovered Jordan's poopy diaper. The poor kid was sitting in pooh for who knows how long and it was leaking out of her diaper. After I got her cleaned up and set up with a nice greasy french fry Sydney sat on my lap and started to choke on a grape. She coughed it up into my hand (why do I put my hand out?) and the next thing I know she is vomiting into my hand and onto the floor. Thank goodness she missed me. She seemed fine just a little upset. Jordan on the other hand was pissed. The french fries were not cutting it. I went to make her a bottle and I had a complete bottle failure. The thing just leaked and completely frustrated Jordan and pissed me off. She was crying and I was beyond frustrated. My mom wound up running to a drug store for more liners. Crisis averted.
After several miscommunications, my mom having a small heart attack, another runny diaper from Jordan and lots and lots of waiting for each other we finally decided to leave. Sydney decided to spill her fruit smoothie on herself and was sitting in a puddle of strawberry banana goo and not happy about it. After I cleaned her up she was wandering free and apparently took off running after my sister-in-law. My brother Eric said that he had to weave around people to catch her. I am glad they noticed she was running away because I was in a store returning something.
We had plans to go out to dinner tonight but our plans changed and decided to stay home and eat what we had in the house. We ate the birthday cake I had intended to give the girls last night but were too sick to eat.
They were feeling better enough to hug and kiss. Lior even wanted to lick the chocolate of Sydney's face. That's what sisters are for!
I think they enjoyed their birthday.
I know we loved helping them celebrate. I do hope they feel better soon because another day of clingy crankiness might just break me!
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